Café Crème was the world’s first small cigar and has been a European and category leader in machine-rolled cigars since its launch in 1963. While the name has changed to Signature in Europe, the cigars remain exactly the same. Signature is one of the world’s largest cigarillo brands, and the best-selling brand in the STG Group. Signature is sold in over 80 countries worldwide with significant exposure in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Finland, and Global Travel Retail. Signature holds a strong position in the mainstream segment, and the portfolio includes different format cigars, flavored variants and variants with filter. Using tobaccos from Java, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, and Italy, the cigars are wrapped in natural Java or Ecuadorian leaves. Signature Premium Little Cigars (PLC) is a newer addition to the Signature family with a classic American blend, namely Virginia tobacco, toasted Burleys and a spice of Orient tobacco. The portfolio includes flavored variants.