If you as an employee or business partner have obtained information on breaches of law or other suspected misconduct in relation to Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S or any of its affiliated companies, you can report your concerns via the Scandinavian Tobacco Group whistleblower portal:
The online whistleblower portal gives you the opportunity to report inappropriate and illegal behaviour in the company in a secure and confidential manner. The whistleblower portal is hosted by an independent third-party, EQS group (www.eqs.com), which is not part of Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s website or intranet.
Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
Sandtoften 9
2820 Gentofte
CVR number: 3108 0185
Phone number: +45 3955 6200
Investor & Media Contact
We appreciate dialogue with all stakeholders and media - please reach out to Torben Sand.
Torben Sand
Director of Investor Relations & Communications